Jérôme Mathieu

Research in Ecology

Sorbonne Université

Research Interests

My research focuses on the spatial patterns of soil macro-invertebrates biodiversity, with the aim to understand 1) their ecological and evolutionary drivers 2) their consequences on ecosystem functioning. In this regard, dispersal and niche construction are central topics of my work. I am particularly interested in the effect of soil macroinvertebrates on soil properties, and the feedback loops that it may generate. I am also interested in the role of terrestrial species in nutrient cycling.

On going projects


This project aims at mapping soil macrofauna biodiversity and assessing the effect of global change at global scale.
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Earthworms in North America

Where are native and exotic worms in North America? How many species are there? A project with John W. Reynolds and Carlos Fragoso
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NetSto - Feces Stoichiometry

What is the role of animal feces on nutrient cycling? Are there feedbackloops between animals and plant via nutrient recycling?
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Earthworm Life history traits

This project aims at building several databases on life history traits of earthworms, in the aim to model population dynamics. See the EGrowth database for growth curves.

Niche construction

How thin is the line between ecosystem engineers and niche constructors? Let's find out with worms!

Recent Publications

  • Multiple invasion routes have led to the pervasive introduction of earthworsm in North America

    Mathieu et al. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2024

    sOilFauna - a global synthesis effort on the drivers of soil macrofauna communities and functioning

    Mathieu et al. Soil Organisms 2022

    Tree growth and macrofauna colonization in Technosols constructed from recycled urban wastes

    Pruvost et al. Ecological Engineering 2020

  • Towards an integrative understanding of soil biodiversity

    Thakur et al Biological Reviews 2020

    Global distribution of earthworm diversity

    Philips et al. Science 2019

    Global vulnerability of soil ecosystems to erosion

    Guerra et al Landscape Ecology 2020

  • EGrowth: A global database on intraspecific body growth variability in earthworm

    Mathieu J. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2018

    The impact of Last Glacial climate variability in west-European loess revealed by radiocarbon dating of fossil earthworm granules

    Moine et al PNAS 2017

>Full List on Google Scholar<


Courses at Sorbonne Université

  • 3v665

    3v665 - Fonctionnement des écosystèmes (L3)

    Atelier de terrain en écologie.
    Lien vers le projet iNaturalist

    Data Viz

    Data Vizualisation avec R (ED)

    Page du module

    Open Data

    Open data avec R (ED)

    Récupérer des données en ligne depuis R.

  • Team Member

    3v564 - Démarche expérimentale (L3)

    Mettre un place une expérience scientifique!


    SOLT (M1)

    Ecologie des sols - module de terrain.


    SIG (M1)

    Apprendre à utiliser ArcGis.
    Free ArcGis Tutorial

Open Data

  • Egrowth

    A global database on earthworm Body growth

    Bouché 1972

    A database of Earthworm species occurence and anatomical traits in France and Corsica, after Bouché 1972

    Earthworm genotypes in Normandy (France)

    Microsatellites of 440 A. chlorortica and 519 A. icterica


Check my Obs on iNaturalist !

Drop me a line !


Jussieu, Building 44-45, 5th floor,
4 place Jussieu, 75005, Paris, France

